Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Twilight Saga: Eclipse

It's time for my review of Eclipse. Yes, this blog actually started off as a Twilight blog. And then I came to my senses and realized there is indeed life AFTER Twilight.

David Slade was the director for this version of the saga. Now I've always had a few questions regarding the directors, each accomplished in his own right. KEYWORD: HIS. And this is what I think the major problems with the additional sequels begin.

The Twilight Story is told from the point of view of a 17 year old girl experiencing her first love. Albeit he's a vampire, but he shouldn't be overlooked in my opinion just because he imbibes on the cells a bit. Everyone has "flaws" if this can be considered one.

My primary question being, how does a grown man tell a love story from the point of view of a 17 year old girl? The answer? He can't. He's never been a teenage girl in love before. That's what I feel made the first movie so successful. Catherine Hardwicke, who directed the first movie HAD the experience of being that 17 year old girl, and all the intense feelings and emotions that go with it. As well as the know how to put all of those feelings and emotions into the movie.

New Moon? Well lets face it, NM sucked. I tried to like it, but I just couldn't get there. There were aspects of it I did the visualization of Edward, and how they handled the wolves. I just couldn't get over the really bad makeup, esp on Rosalie, hated Alice and Jaspers hair, and Laurent? C'mon, what's with trying to white a brutha up? All you're gonna do is make him look ashy. Hardwicke had the good sense to leave Laurent alone thank God, and because of that, his character was believable. I thought the music was off for this movie too. It just didn't quite fit to me like the first movies music did.

Eclipse? I have to admit, David Slade had me worried. When I found out he was directing I worried for my beloved vamp family. Afterall, DS did 30 Days of Night. Great pizza movie on a Saturday night, but overall? Meh. I was concerned I was looking at another piece of crap like that. I liked the character of Riley and I liked the little gal who played Bree. She did so well she really made wish she lived on with the Cullens. Things I hate: Did NOT like the new Victoria. She didn't seem to me to bring the same maturity to the character. She seemed too juvenile. And definitely not enough attitude in my book. The old Victoria had a slick coolness about her that this new one didn't have. But I am also a Twilight purist-I don't think she should have been replaced in the first place. And since when did Victoria wear shoes? I did like the overall action, and thought DS handled things quite well, staying close to the book. The campfire scene, the wolves, the newborns, EMMETT IN BLUE JEANS AND A BLACK SHIRT (Oh MY!) I thought he did very well with. The fake moutain and storm? Not so much. Looks like they transferred in and exploded store Christmas display. And Dakota Fanning's "Jane" seemed a we bit fakey to me. Yes she is supposed to have the appearance of youth and innocence, but she is also a stone cold killer and I felt her first monologue were a bit contrived. I still love ya though DF!! I did get a little bit tired of the pissing contest between Edward and Jacob, but I got tired of it in the book too. But it's a book for young readers and I am taking that into consideration I cut it some slack. I didn't go to the theatre to see this one. I did for NM on opening day and wondered what the hell I spent the money for. So I waited for it on cable. And that's another thing. I think cable edited it. Why do I say that? Eh, a friend of mine had a disk (DADT) and I watched it right after the movie came out, and it seems there are pieces missing. Of course I'm still waiting for good old snail mail to deliver my DVD copy of Eclipse, which should be here in a day or two. I'll have to watch it a few times to see if I'm right about that one. Wishing I still had that other damn disk for comparison.....

At any rate, despite my opinions, if you are a fan of the Saga, I would see this movie. I wouldn't have gone to a night showing to do the coke and popcorn and jujubee's route....tooo expensive a night for a weee better than mediocre movie. So rent it on cable for $5. Or buy a used copy of it on eBay.

I'm still a Twilight purist...The first movie, is still the best movie.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Holly-daze!!!!

So, it's been a while since I have been on here. Spent the last year reading books. All kinds of books. Tons of books. This had originally started out as a Twilight Blog, but as I said in and earlier post, there is only so much Twilight out there.....and there are some folks who already have some awesome Twi-sites.....I don't really need to jump on that bandwagon. OH I will still talk about it of course.....I did rent Eclipse on PPV for two days afterall. Mostly for the fight scene where we get to see a very hot and sexy Emmett in blue jeans and black. Now that's what I'm talking about. But I really do want to include sooooo much more. Kind of like Amy Sedaris' book, I Like You.

This would be my first recommendation. I consider this to be the girls guide to life. She has included EVERYTHING in here and I do mean everything. And all with a brilliant sense of humor. Recipes, clothing, hair and makeup tips lol....all of it. I loved this book so much I actually bought two copies, one for home and one for work. So bear with me here. I might be starting out kinda boring with a side of "what the hell would really make me wanna read you anyway?" But it will get better, lol. I promise.