Sunday, July 5, 2009

After 4th of July counter.........

Whew, made it through the 4th. I swear it sounded like a war zone in my neighborhood!! But what a blast we had. Awesome food, awesome company, tons of fireworks! In fact we started BEFORE the neighbors and finished AFTER the neighbors.

At any rate, I had to counter my last post, and I think I have it handled. That pic of Rob, who I admire dearly just isn't working for me by any means. Don't get me wrong baby boy, but I feel a bit pervy about it. On top of that I am soo out of twi-touch it's not even funny. I think I'm having a twilight midlife crisis. Easily distracted.....I'd go buy a new sports car if I didn't already own one. I still love my twilight....but I think I am just fickle...I can't have just one. I must have many lol. I suppose that makes me a bit of a twi-tart, but I'll get over it lol. I guess I can just say this, don't hate the player, hate the game. I love beautiful men.
And this one, is certainly beautiful.